The stickers that define us

Things that stick with you If you have ever met me in person, you have most likely seen me chugging water out of one of my many water bottles. These bottles carry different meanings to me because of the different places each one of them have been with me. I guess you could call it nostalgia, but I like to think that each one of them has character of it's own because of each of the scratches, dents and scuffs that they have. What really makes each one of my bottles unique though is that each one has a sticker or stickers from events or places that I have been with that bottle. One of my favorite water bottles has stickers on it from when I traveled overseas to Scotland and Ireland. That bottle carries many memories of travel and the stories of three summers spent traveling around Michigan. The sticker from Scotland takes me back to walking the streets of Edinburgh, eating haggis for the first time and having my eyes opened to how much larger this world really is. The ...